• Feet carry the full weight of our bodies and are an important part in our daily activities. Our feet and lower limbs are often overlooked when it comes to health care.
  • Having problem free feet makes walking and running more comfortable and overall good foot health can help to make you more mobile.
  • Foot health checks help to diagnose conditions and treat them at the initial phase reducing the risk of complications and help to control the spread of any infections.
  • Foot health checks help those with diabetes identify and control any possible damage caused by poor circulation and damage to the nerves of the lower limb. It’s also important to maintain foot health care as people with diabetes are prone to infections and ulcers.
  • Foot health care can help you feel less self-conscious especially on holiday or in the summer when we prefer to go barefoot or wear open toed shoes. Treatment of conditions such as athletes foot and cracked heels are easy with the assistance of a Foot Health Practitioner (FHP).